It’s Fall, time for pumpkins and cool mornings and tagging your dog


Fall brings many great things, school, cool mornings, pumpkins (and pumpkin spice), and probably more walks. With more walks and going outside comes a higher risk of losing your dog. It is very important to have your peg tagged with not only a rabies tag but a city tag as well. I was walking around the zoo park and a gentleman was trying to figure out what to do with a dog that had followed him and his dog around the trail. Luckily, the dog had a tag, and not just any tag, but one from my clinic!! All I had to do was call, have a staff member look up the tag number, and low and behold, the dog had its owner there in 10 minutes bringing it back home. What a story with a fairy tale ending!! We give out those rabies tags for a reason, put them on your dog and it will help bring them home.


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